5 Reasons Why Travel is Never Wasted on Kids
5 Reasons Why Travel is Never Wasted on Kids

5 Reasons Why Travel is Never Wasted on Kids

5 Reasons Why Travel is Never Wasted on Kids

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The idea of travelling with kids can be quite daunting. The thought of them sitting still for long distance plane trips might just turn you off the idea altogether. Although it can be quite a challenging time,
Kooshy Kids have created a list of why travel is never wasted on your kids. It can actually be one of the most rewarding experiences for both you, and your young ones!

1. The Learning Possibilities are Endless

In the classroom, kids will learn about the history of cultures, and maybe even dabble in a foreign language. What better way to further that knowledge than by visiting the place they’re studying? Kids usually learn by doing, so visiting temples and communicating with the locals may just make all that information stick in the long run. 


2. Introduces Them to New Things

Australia has some of the most unique animals in the world, but for Aussie kids, they seem pretty normal – I mean, most people have seen a kangaroo before, right? What about a squirrel? Or even a moose? Each country have their own animals, that quite literally roam the streets. Forget about zoos, walk down the street in Bali, and you'll probably see a wild monkey.

Exposing your child to different culture’s food is also exciting! Did you know that kids need to be offered new kinds of foods at least 10-15 times before they will eat it? Of course Australia has the meat pie which I am sure they are used to, but cultural food is also something that will widen the mind of your child, and even test their taste buds!


3. Gives Them the Opportunity to Gain Everyday Skills

Kids can be taught life skills at school or at home, but nothing teaches kids adaptability more, than having to go from hotel to hotel every couple of days. It will help build up their confidence, as they are experiencing new things every day, that are completely out of their comfort zone – like sitting in front of the TV watching The Wiggles!

Appreciating different cultures will additionally teach them to respect people and cultures that are different to theirs. One of the best things about travelling is experiencing the differences between you and the rest of the world. Having this opportunity to discover these differences from such a young age will be a great learning experience for your child.



4. Bonding Time!

Life can be full of hustle and bustle, and can become quite a routine. Wake up, work, home, stepping on your child’s lego, sleep. This doesn’t leave a lot of time to mix it up and have a heap of time with your kids.

Kooshy Kids Travel Blog

Travelling gives the best excuse to break away from the routine, and an even better excuse to bond as a family. A fun tip before you all head away could be to list one thing you’re most excited for in your trip. When everyone participates in activities like this, it creates anticipation!

5. Gives Them a Love of Adventure That May Lead to Great Opportunities

If your kids develop the travel bug early, it could lead to some incredible life experiences! A passion for adventure and adaptability are two things which will bring great opportunities to your bubs life, and set them on the path for success!

There are endless reasons why travel is never wasted on your kids. It is such a worthwhile experience that will be told in your child’s show-and-tell for years to come!

Looking for more travel tips? Make sure you’re following us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date!

As always Kooshy Kids wishes you safe and "Kooshy" travels xxx