Family Flight Safety – Tips for Flying Safely with Kids
Family Flight Safety – Tips for Flying Safely with Kids
Flight safety is a concern of just about everyone looking to travel by air, so it is reassuring to know that commercial aviation is one of the safest ways to get around. Aircraft are regulated more stringently than any other form of transport and the further development of increasingly safe practices is always occurring in this sector.
The Facts and Figures
If you are still a bit nervous about air travel, there are some significant facts to take into account that should alleviate any worry. Your chance of being in a fatal plane accident is minuscule; in 2016 there was one fatality for every 13.3 million passengers who flew that year. Based on air travels’ incredible safety record you would have to take about one flight a day for 84 years before you stood even a 50-50 chance of succumbing to an air crash on a commercial aircraft. Air safety is also steadily improving year by year, with a long-term trend that reflects fewer accidents relative to the total number of air travellers.
Turbulence is one of the more common problems experienced in flight. Turbulence is air movement that normally cannot be seen and therefore can occur unexpectedly resulting in a bumpy unpleasant period of flight. It is quite normal, happens frequently and is rarely a threat. In extreme circumstances, turbulence can cause injuries when passengers who are not wearing seatbelts are thrown from their seats without warning. What to do? Easy - obey seatbelt signs, keep your and your kids seatbelts safely fastened as much as possible during the flight (even when asleep!).
Seating on planes is mostly a personal preference as some people prefer a window seat and some an isle seat, and then there is the elusive exit row seat with extra legroom. If you’re travelling with infants and children (or using a Kooshy Kids Kooshion) your seating is also important for safety reasons.
Infants are allowed to sit on parent’s laps and be secured by a supplementary loop belt provided by the flight crew upon boarding. Under Australian rules, (CASA) an infant is a passenger who has not yet reached their third birthday. Over this age they need their own seat. For some airlines however, an infant is classed as anyone under two years old – so it really is best to check in advance with your service provider.
It is recommended that small children be seated at the window to avoid getting hurt by passing people or carts. The ideal situation for small children is to sit in-between two responsible adults or in a row with a window on one side and an adult on the other.
Child Safety
When travelling with children you will generally be more safety conscious. The environment on an aircraft may present specific hazards to your child, so it is best to supervise your child at all times. It is a good idea to walk around the cabin with children while the plane is at cruising altitude. This is stimulating and entertaining for them, plus moving their legs during the flight is a healthy way to prevent symptoms of DVT. Be aware that when walking about the aircraft, hot drinks, food, cutlery and other hazards are easily within reach. It is also worth mentioning to not put your child on the floor during the flight. It is not permitted and it is dangerous due to the risk of turbulence. It may be tempting to change a nappy on the seat or floor, but that is also not permitted and baby change tables are usually supplied in selected restrooms for convenience and safety.
Also, always listen to safety announcements and instructions from cabin crew!
Kooshy Kids Kooshion Safety
Kooshy Kids cares about safety and wants you to have an enjoyable and safe plane flight. Please use your Kooshion in the correct and safest way inline with Airline requirements.
The Kooshy Kids Kooshion should be used with the following conditions:
- It is not used in an emergency exit row
- It does not block or obstruct other passengers
- It is not inflated during take off or landing (or when the seat belt sign is on)
- The child's seatbelt is fastened at all times. You can request an infant extender belt to help with this.
- The Kooshion is used in permitted seats only. For most airlines it is the window seats or centre seats of the middle block.
- The valve must face the aisle for easy inflation and deflation.
- Child should be secured with their head towards the back of the seat and their feet facing forward on the cushion.
>>> To view the Kooshy Kids Safety Video click here
Health and Wellbeing
Here are a few extra tips for a safe and enjoyable flight:
- Drink at least 1 cup of water for each hour inflight.
- Limit the consumption of alcohol (Less oxygen in the body increases the effects of alcohol) and caffeinated drinks to prevent dehydration.
- Wear glasses instead of contact lenses and consider using eye drops.
- Apply a skin moisturiser.
- Walk around the cabin every 4 or so hours to keep the blood flowing in your legs.
- If you or your child has breathing issues or any other major health concerns, consult a doctor before you travel.
Safest Airlines
Cathay Pacific was named one of the two world’s safest airlines last year and Cathay Pacific allows the use of the Kooshy Kids Kooshion!
As always, Kooshy Kids wishes you safe and happy travels!