How to Beat Jet Lag
How to Beat Jet Lag

How to Beat Jet Lag

How to Beat Jet Lag

Jet lag affects most people who travel to different time zones, even if that difference is only an hour or two. A few lucky travellers might be immune to jet lag, however most of us have suffered the deep, disorienting exhaustion. It often is impossible to avoid because of a new surrounding where sunrise and sunset don't match with what our body expects.

The problem for a person on a regular day/night schedule is that the brain is accustomed to producing the melatonin we need to sleep at about 9-10 pm - but, when on the other side of the world this may be 6-7am.


The consequences of having melatonin producing during the day time is that is can cause insomnia, fatigue, poor concentration and even digestive issues. 

The rule of thumb is this – travel east and you'll need morning light and evening melatonin; travel west and you'll need evening light and morning melatonin.

It usually takes a few days for the brain to get use to the new timezone...however there are some things that you can do to assist with the process. 

1. For three nights before travelling east, go to sleep an hour earlier than usual and wake up an hour earlier. When travelling west, sleep an hour later and rise and hour later.

2. Taking 0.5 milligrams of melatonin for the first two or three nights in your new destination is a safe and effective way to get through jet lag. I've recently tried Biota's melatonin cbd oil to get over jet lag and it certainly helped get back in the swing of things.  Sleeping pills should be the last resort. 


3. You will be so tempted to have a nap. If you really can't avoid it, set an alarm and keep it to a max of 60 minutes. It will be tough to wake from, but it should recharge your batteries. 

4. Exposing yourself to as much natural light as possible in your new time zone helps reset your biological clock to that destination. Go for a walk and keep out of your hotel room as much as possible. If natural light is not possible, having the lights on as bright as possible will also help. 

5. If you can, try to arrive in your destination in the afternoon, which will allow you to go to sleep at a normal bedtime. This will cut down your jet lag recovery significantly. Flights that arrive in the morning come with a much bigger risk of jet lag. 

6. Get as much sleep as you can on the plane on the way over. Most airlines will assist by making it rest time at a time that will work in with your destination. Go with it!

Plane sleep

7. If you can exercise in those first few days it will make you tired and therefore sleep better. Also drink as much water as possible. 

8. Cease screen time at least 60 minutes before bedtime (melatonin production is suppressed by the bright light from a mobile phone or tablet).

9. Don't drink too much alcohol (or caffeine after lunch time). 

jetlag triggersI hope that you find these tips helpful and that you implement them and end up being able to fully enjoy your trip (especially the first few days when you would usually be all over the place).